Picture Archiving & Communication System

iHealthCure-Picture Archiving & Communication System (iHC-PACS) transforms the way you run your radiology department by quickly and easily delivering the information you need to monitor department quality, efficiency and profitability. iHC-PACS is a web-based software platform that archives, retrieves, distributes, and presents imaging studies for advanced visualization and primary interpretation integrated with iHC-HMS. These systems are designed for the specialized diagnostic imaging requirements of imaging centers. System allows the access to current and prior imaging studies and reports via the iHC-HMS. PACS Storage and Reporting System not only boosts the performance and efficiency of a healthcare organization but also reduces un necessary delays and keeps track of patient history.

Table of Contents

Problem with Solution

Radiology Information System also ensure to meet the requirements of a PACS and address this as an urgent priority. PACS is not solely a radiology tool and will be utilized by many clinicians across the PACS arena. Automating storage and retrieval of medical imaging modalities is necessary for present day healthcare providers,

  • Digitizing patient’s imaging and radiology data will improve healthcare
  • Piles of Radiology records. Old record has been piled up in huge quantities which wastes lot of office space and is difficult to handle
  • Loss of Images. Due to storage of digitized images, there is no way a study can be lost by patients’ negligence or other factorsp
  • Cost of printing. Radiology images are printed for viewing and reporting. This is a huge overhead on organization budget


Central Radiological Reporting Unit brings a clean working environment for radiologists / consultants, where they can work more efficiently. It provides a central repository for central reporting and which everyone can access from his office based on his role. Medical studies become easily accessible. Security & privacy of information is now guaranteed with control on visibility of studies to concerned doctors / medical staff only

  • Fast and Accurate Retrieval
  • Compression of large volumes of data
  • Security & privacy of data


  • Interface with modality via worklist
  • Report, printout and emailing of report
  • HL7 and DICOM standard supported
  • Storage and archive of image studies and reports
  • Workstations used to retrieve, interpret and review images
  • Provide remote access of patient study for offsite viewing through tele-radiology
  • Provide radiology workflow management, which is used by staff to manage the workflow of patient exams
  • Customizable print formats incorporated with DICOM images
  • Archival for all test reports and medical records
  • Confidential, secure and auditable information
For DICOM Images View
0 Sec
To set a Modality Work List
0 Min
To train a new User
0 Min

Product Benefits

  • Seamless integration with modalities
  • Integrated patient scheduling helps your business run more smoothly
  • Stability. Over all development framework have been chosen based upon stability and reliability
  • Scalability. Overall architecture is scalable to any extent. Increase in user base or usage can be easily managed
  • High Availability. This feature is a must for enterprise. Java and related technologies offer great capacity to ensure high availability
  • Performance. Performance of this solution is guaranteed; any bottlenecks can be easily identified and resolved as compared to a commercial product
  • Data management. This solution has a great capacity to manage huge data growth. Features of Java (caching), File store and MySQL (partitioning and archiving) provide a strong platform for managing huge data and ensuring performance
  • Integrity. Data integrity is ensured at each step in the system. A versioning module is included which updates versioning info of each record to ensure data integrity. Pdf file format strengthens this feature


iHC-PACS support HL7 and DICOM standard Interfaces. This helps in integration with different modality. Unlimited Modality connectivity including for MRI, CT, PET, SPECT, NM, X Ray, US, Angiogram etc along with iHC-HMIS integration having interoperability

Web Based

iHC-PACS is a web-based solution with simple web-based interface, Search criterion on various parameters like Patient ID, Name, Accession No, Study ID, Modality etc.

DICOM Study Storage

It has the ability to store DICOM studies in a structured way, making its retrieval easier. Information is stored keeping in view patient and doctor roles and rights

Data Management

This function ensures that data is appropriately managed. Different strategies are involved in managing data growth e.g., partitioning, archiving etc.

Data Exchange

Enterprise can have multiple systems running together which will require info exchange with iHC-PACS system

Reports Management

Ability to load different studies, side by side for comparison, Importing of any medical images from CD / DVD etc along with its iHC-HMS integration

Printing Support

CD /DVD writing support with embedded DICOM viewer, Multiple patient printing (same film multiple modality images) on DICOM printer

BI Dashboard

Active DICOM Modalities, available studies, daily study growth WRT no of studies and storage, available storage, modality wise storage consumption etc (department wise, Month wise) and many more