information System

iHealthCure-Pharmacy Information & Management System in Dubai (iHC-PIS) is a customized solution that caters to the needs of modern pharmacies, including those in healthcare provider settings, retail chains, and independent stores. The system integrates with inventory and supply chain systems to streamline pharmacy operations. With its prescription processing workflows, iHC-PIS allows users to efficiently manage and track prescription information, including details of prescribing doctors, prescribed drugs, and quantities. The system also monitors inventory levels and proactively replenishes stock to meet prescription demands. iHC-PIS serves as an advanced Pharmacy Management Solution, automating processes and utilizing intelligent software to enhance efficiency and service levels, ultimately improving medication management across the entire hospital.

Table of Contents

Problem with Solution

An effcient Pharmacy Information and Management System, like iHC-PIS, can play a crucial role in streamlining pharmacy operations and ensuring that medication is managed properly throughout a healthcare facility or independent pharmacy store. With the help of this software, pharmacists and nurses can have access to accurate and up-to-date information about prescription orders, inventory levels, drug interactions, and patient history. This can help them make better decisions, reduce errors, and provide better care to patients.


iHC-PIS is designed to eliminate the need for traditional paper-based medication processes and documentation. The system automates various pharmacy operations, such as prescription processing, inventory management, and supply chain management. It also digitizes official documents and allows for electronic exchange of information between healthcare providers, reducing the risk of errors and improving the effciency of the medication cycle. By streamlining these processes and eliminating the need for paper-based documentation, iHC-PIS can significantly reduce the workload of pharmacists and nurses, while also improving patient safety and care.

Pharmacy Information System


To Validate an e-Prescription
0 Sec
To Dispense Medicines
0 Sec
Real time Stock State Control
0 %
To train a new User
0 Min

e-Prescription Management

iHC-PIS is integrated with e-Prescription, which allows doctors to send new and refill prescriptions directly to the pharmacy management system for review. This helps to expedite the dispensing process and reduce errors that can occur when prescriptions are written out by hand. The system can also automatically check for drug interactions and allergies, ensuring
patient safety.

iHC-PIS also provides paper-free electronic prescriptions for OutPatients and InPatients, that includes;

  • Internationally recognized medication database categorized by Active Principles and Trade Names, Concentration, Unit, Form Types, Route Types, Package Presentation and Quantity etc.

  • Management of OutPatient’s prescriptions lifecycle, including creation, validation, preparation, labeling and dispensing, as well as recurrent prescriptions fulfillment

  • Management of InPatient’s prescriptions covering all types of medications and treatment plans

Advanced Reporting

iHC-PIS is a tailored solution providing readily available critically relevant information depending on each user. There are several reports available, such as:

  • Daily Dispensed Medication
  • Dispensed and Received Medication
  • Stock Movements History
  • Hospital Stock Flows
  • and much more…

Input & Recall, Drug & Prescription Information of Patient

This system is quite user-friendly and is has the ability to keep a record of patient, drug & prescription information, which is certainly come useful for future refill or other purposes.

Clinical Integration

It works wonders when a pharmacy software is integrated with clinical tools that pharmacist can use all along the day. For instance, drug interaction details, dosing guide, and also lab data (whenever required).

Medicine Purchase Request & Order

It is to manage the purchase requests and order requests received for the medicines.

Automatic Reorder Level / Minimum Stock Setting

There is a system of minimum stock setting, so that can be activated by mentioning a minimum stock and automatic reorder level refers to the quantity threshold at which your software will automatically generate a new order for stock.

Physical Stock Verification & Adjustment

This is responsible to verify the physical stock and the decision, regarding adjustment (if required) can take place.

Supplier & Manufacturer Information

It is again vital as this keeps a record of the supplier/manufacturer information from whom you buy the medicines, who is responsible for the manufacturing of those medicines.

Accuracy & Safety

As it is the question of many lives, hence the system offers the fail-safe features for accuracy & safety, hence leaving no scope for errors

Barcode Verification

Without any doubt, it is an important element of pharmacy management systems, as it offers help with several aspects throughout the system, such as retrieval of refill information, verification of dispensed product, which enhances effciency and accuracy.

Support for Batching

It covers to maintain Inventory in batches. When an inventory is maintained in batches, there has to be a mechanism for dispensing too. It makes this selection based on the dispensing method setup for that particular item of Inventory. Dispensing can be done in one of the various ways- i.e. FIFO, LIFO, Expiry Date and Manufacture Date.

Billing & Payment Receipt

The system has ability to generate the payment receipt of available medicines, disposables and define payment types such
as Cash, Cheque, Credit Card etc, and for home delivery even handling the Cash on Delivery (CoD). System has the flexibility to